
Pirates! in an Adventure with Scientists, Beefeaters

The Beefeater's
I made many of the moulds, cast the Silicone parts and was responsible for their maintenance throughout the shoot.


Silicone gripping hands, this involved making a four piece mould to cast the armature in situ and allowing the handle to be inserted in place.

Silicone lower legs and feet, 'flowers' on buckles and sides of the knees. The armature was cast in situ. 

Wellington, Pastrami, Sirloin
Stroganoff, Brisket, Bovril

These are the Beefeater Character from Pirates, I made several of the moulds for the moustaches, beards and hair. Then cast them in 10T Silicone, trimmed and sanded the seams.The hair pieces are stuck to one another with Sil Poxy and to the RP head with Silicone super glue.Their foreheads and eyebrows are press moulded in Plasticine.

The hats were cast in 45D and the roses cast in fast cast.

The white ruff around their neck is cast in 10T and adhered in place with Sil Poxy.