Hart's Bakery Christmas Display

Saturday 14th at Harts Bakery I had a Stall selling all my work and Chopping boards and Bird Boxes from Bristol Wood Recycled Project.

It went really well, many compliments for my Ginger Bread houses and Snowflakes, many thanks for eveyones support.

This is my latest work the wall display  for  Hart's Bakery, www.hartsbakery.co.uk

We spent a happy evening decorating the bakery and eating delicious pizza

Ginger Bread Houses cut from cardboard, decorated with perspex sweets and candy canes.The details are chased in white chalk board pen.
Each House is held in place with magnets.
I designed the houses to look like Bristol houses then cut everything by laser at


The paper chains and red paper decorations were made the staff at Harts

part way through the installation

Here are some of the houses as I was working my way through all the cardboard cut outs